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Rabbi Yaakov Golomb was born and raised in Sheffield, England. He graduated Rabbinical Talmudic College of America with a Masters in Jewish Philosophy. He studied circumcision under the prestigious and world renowned master Rabbi Israel Heller of New York.

Rabbi Yaakov, received his International certification from the London School of Circumcision.

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WHat is a Bris?

The brit milah (bris), circumcision, is a physical symbol of the relationship between G‑d and the Jewish people. It is a constant reminder of what the Jewish mission entails. Held on the eighth day of life, the ritual is carried out by a skilled mohel (circumciser) and is a joyous celebration marking the entrance of another Jewish male into the covenant of Abraham

My Bris Travels

I have performed brit milah ceremonies all over the country as well as internationally. Including in the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Mexico, United Kingdom, Ecuador and more…